Travel Log Tuesday


So a new thing I’m going to run with on the blog is Travel Log Tuesdays. Whether it’s a trip we’re considering, one I’m reminiscing on, or something in between, travel is something Jeff and I hold pretty dear to our hearts. Part of our current indecision on if/when to begin the adoption process is that we have so many places we’d like to go and things we’d like to see. We feel like we could be equally fulfilled raising a child or traveling the world. OK, maybe more fulfilled travelling the world right now-we’re newlyweds, after all. 

Today I’d like some opinions, so I’ll start by talking about our “big” trip for this year. We’re thinking our first anniversary deserves a big trip, and we’re thinking France. But not touristy, Paris France. We’re thinking wine country. I love the idea of using a site like to score a vacation rental on the cheap with character. But WHERE? Burgundy? Leon? Marseille? Is it practically a requirement that we spend at least a day or two in Paris? Some of the things Jeff and I loved about Rome on our honeymoon were finding the corner cafe for breakfast, our favorite little trattoria for dinner, you know-setting up shop like we would if we lived there. That’s why I feel like we’d have more fun in a middle sized or even small French city. 


Trattoria Morgana-our favorite place for dinner in Rome


Vatican City-Pope not included.Image

So there’s some photos from our last trip-although I’m sure over the Tuesdays I’ll gratuitously share more honeymoon photos for all they’re worth. It was the first time either of us left the country, really, and we just loved the crap out of every minute. But for now, people, opinions! You know what they’re like, and everybody has one! Where should we go in France? What do we need to do? What do we have to EAT?

12 thoughts on “Travel Log Tuesday

  1. We sent our older son through Europe (France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany) with a music program last July … both Lisa and I had been in the past, but it has been a long time and won’t likely happen again until after the kids are out of college.

    So I have no opinions – just jealousy … my son did a good job of soaking up the culture, eating in cafes and on the streets and really experiencing the culture. Which is my biggest suggestion.

  2. OHH this is a super fun idea!! I often think I wish I’d had a blog when we did some of our trips, this is a great way to look back! We went to rome on the last day of our honeymoon and it was neat, but I was so in love with the countryside it was too busy for me.

    • We want to take a whole separate trip to the Italian countryside too-but I’m really glad I went to Rome the first time. SO much amazing history, and I was always a sucker for ancient Rome stories as a little girl. Maybe we should start a Travel Log Tuesday link up!

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